i was completely terrible at taking pictures over our little holiday to the netherlands. but you can refer to mr erickson's Facebook and enjoy a little light reading with some photos.
the weekend was full of waffles, frites, chocolate, ice cream, sushi and more frites.
our first stop on our road trip was to brugge belgium-not pictured-but we really loved it. such a quaint little town.
our next stop was brussels. erickson went full on nerd at the atomium.
people are always asking mr erickson to take pictures.... then they really suck at returning the favor...
i have no clue who these people are- but they wouldn't move.
antwerp was full of treats.... frites, chocolate and diamonds. we only got the first two.
finally there was amsterdam. again, the camera was just a really expensive necklace the entire trip. i was busy taking in the anne frank house, the van gogh museum, not to mention the red light district that no one wants photos of.
we really had a great time. maybe if we make it back there will be more photos. sorry, not sorry.