
stonehenge. (and other weekend happenings).

a couple weeks ago our friends, and wedding photographer, brooke and tavis flew across the pond for an amazing photography workshop at ridge farm. brooke asked if mr erickson and i would be models for her workshop. 
we took advantage of the road trip and made a weekend out of it. first stop, date night at the temple.

the farm was incredible. it has housed true rockstars, bohemian rhapsody was written there! the halls are lined with gold albums, seriously, incredible. 
 you can see brooke's photos from that day here.
on sunday we headed to stonehenge. with a detour to windsor castle. 
didn't see the queen, maybe next time.
seeing stonehenge was fascinating. i really enjoyed learning more about the mystery behind it.
thanks tavis for the photo of what stonehenge actually is....
another successful weekend trip.

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