

[how we feel about it already being a year...]

 People always say how hard the first year of marriage is... how you learn all these things you didn't know about your spouse and yourself. Maybe it's because we are really coming up on year seven of our relationship and we've already had the knock down-drag out fights that help build a foundation to stand on... but I can honestly say this has been the best year yet with my mister. 
Moving to England wasn't the easiest, but it was certainly the best thing for us as a family, and we've had such amazing adventures. In the last year we have been to six countries, got to see NYC, DC, London, Paris, and Amsterdam- along with many more fun cities. 
We learned our love languages and try everyday to show that love. 
I think it's safe to safe eternity is going to be a good time with mr erickson.
Cheers year one. Bring on two.

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